Introduction letter— From the beginning, I knew this assignment was going to be a little bit challenging to me. I know that it should be the easiest because I am just supposed to talk about myself. However, I feel that other people know how to describe me better than I can. The first paragraph, for simple that it seems, it’s the most touching one for me, due to that it reminds me of my hometown, and how much I miss it. Likewise, I also find it hard to summarize “all” my life into a more serious and informative writing, because there’s much more than just academic and things that build someone has an individual… but I guess that at the end of it, you can learn something new about me.

News Flash!!-— For the news flash, I decided that wanted to do something that was of an interest to me, but also that was something that I know is concerning multitudes. At first, I thought that it would be the easiest but this one, once again showed me that nothing in life iseasy, and if it is, is not worth it. I had to actually sit and do a lot of research of this topic (for hours). I was thinking on changing topic, but I like to challenge myself sometimes, so I kept doing research. I end it up, learning a lot of new information that it was not mentioned in the news and other informative broadcasts.

Proposal— One of the main reasons I choose “Sex education and the Dominican Republic,” for this assignment was mainly because of the difference of teaching and addressing this topic in the Dominican Republic vs the in USA. In the same way, it got my attention because, it is a taboo (among the Latinxs community, or at least it was for me) to talk about this topic with parents without them trying to somehow create a labyrinth in their explanations or worse, create code words for terms that refer to body parts. Because of this, many kids in the DR, grow up with a lack of understanding of their bodies and of sexual related topics. (For more if, read my proposal…)


Presentation— Since the presentation was announced back to September (beginning of semester), the only thing I wanted was that it already was the day after I had presented. I find that doing the research part of the assignment was pretty easy and interesting, yet the other part not so much. Because of my public speaking fear, (and maybe because I drank coffee that day) my nerves increased and at the beginning I was not able to start off well, but as I kept speaking everything went good. I liked the topic I choose for this presentation, I learned so much by doing the investigations and I hope my classmates and teacher also had learned something new with it. I recommend watching the full documentary because it offers an insight of the problem, as well as testimonies from various people affected by it.

Research Paper—This have been the hardest project of the class. Besides reading a lot, I had to make sure the information was coherent and informative. I feel that this also helped me on my writing skills as well as in my time management, due to that as a lengthy project, it requires more investigation than the others. I believe that teenage pregnancy is a serious topic and that all of us, not only to the people this issue is affecting the most; we all have to be responsible on making sure the information we are receiving is not distorted and incomplete.

VLOG—  I truly enjoyed recording, editing this video. I also enjoyed the fact that I had the opportunity to cook it myself, without a YouTube video or someone coaching me. This might sound silly, but I was genuinely happy that I had the chance of cooking something and not burn it, it turned out really good I might say. In the other hand, I took the freedom to investigate a little about my own culture and its cuisine.

I regret not have had participated more often in the class, and share my opinion in the conversations. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed this class; it was pretty interesting and the professor made the curse very dynamic and entertaining.